Some of u would know about this outfit from Tribe episode. The front side, i was just guessing about the outfit look.
Next week starting class. I'm glad i'm pass the exam and there's no any failed subject so there's no repeating =D.
Today's registeration really tiring me off...waiting for almost 2 hours. So sleepy~
Going back to college
just updating with some stuff i wanna add
Wish i can color skin better than the one i do right now. It's Misora wear a swim suit from the wallpaper =D
I kinda nervous about the result for final's not out yet and i'm worried already -__-;;
Now what i always do is online, playing games and drawing (damn need to finish all request =3=)
ah wait...wanna play but my bro always play it first and i dont have time to play it.
I watch CSI:Miami season finale...i was like "WTH!? Horatio got murdered and that's it? T_T"
Man...wish there's more CSI series.....
I'm not a person life always happy with real friends..because my true friends has always been from the net and I'm not a very good at social. That's why always stay in door..not even knowing what the outside world is...what's have been happening around me....I'm not even sure...
2 new wallpapers from CAPCOM and the ROM is out

About the arts....
New wallpaper from CAPCOM...again...
Again...I'm so dissapointed that it's not a wallpaper that I think it is..oh well, the previous wallpaper shows that Luna's expression more like emo.... seeing more emo Luna in the game...that's rare and looks like she was worried about the earth. I really hope to see more Misora and Subaru in action together though. Both of them are really pretty good team.
Seeing Luna art that's for +18 wonder some fans hate it though. But some people really take it seriously about the relationship for both. Even waste time and do something just for the couple. Fans... even the arts.... why arts though...if the artist wont give the permission to display it at any site but someone still do it.... maybe I should make my own art rules..
New wallpaper from CAPCOM
Exam starts
Exam next week
New wallpaper of Misora from RnR3!!
can be found in RnR3 official site http//
too many works to do
Well, now I know how to design my own site now..probably will change the name of the site too.
Too many projects to do and it makes me tired and...feel not well.
I feel want to sleep~
A lot things happen this week. Well, the host where I upload all my html files for my site has gone and apparently the problem is thier hardware and I might need to redesign my site and upload it back if they cant recover back my files.
Before I can rebuild back my site I will use blog for the meantime and....looks like my laptop still at the repair shop. ahahaa...gonna be late finishing my project though.
OMG...3 paper failed! IDTM (introduction to digital technology multimeida), DPM (digital photomedia) and PM (history) T_T
though looks like need to work hard for the assignments and projects.
and my laptop motherboard....need to buy new one but my dad says it's very expensive. If cant fix then need to buy new laptop. Hmm...I feel like my drawing skills is worst because I didnt practice or doodle everyday to maintain my skills. Guess I need to try and draw again. I hope I can draw better...I dont want to have an art block D:
Oh need to think how to make a site using Macromedia Director....
4th Sept....Mid Term Exam start birthday today and reach 19 years old. Thanks again Reka-chan..for the lovely gift ^^.
hehee...was doodle that in my text book XD
Will try to color that after my exam is end.
Was too busy with my project and dont have a time to study for today exam ^^;.....will read a little....I hope I can answer it O_o;;
Ramadhan's starting and....
Today for 1st Sept starting fasting for all muslims! Also this month start the mid term exam..just a few days owo;;;
Too many projects really need to finish especially editing Model, Product and Terminal. Kinda hard....cant think and dont have any idea of what to edit and change it.
Today I download new Harvest Moon game name HM:Islan of Happiness. Must play!! *w* birthday will come in next 3 birthday is on 4th Sept. Kinda....wonder what my will my friends do to me on that day though.....
Projects need to finish and Mid Term Exam is near O_O;;
Talk about projects...yea..busy -__-;;
Everyday busy and I was answering a Ryuusei no Rockman meme while color my projects. But suddenly one of my housemate off my laptop power and I was like...shock and down for a bit...I didn't save tha meme and I draw Subaru and Misora really good and nice and of course first time draw Tsukasa T_T... need to do again but I have to do it in weekends......
Mid Term Exam next week...maybe at 4th or 5th September and birthday is on 4th.... O_O
Lookie Misora cosplaying as Meiru! I have a lot of idea to draw while I'm bored and had nothing to do. ^^ I will color this after the exam ^^;
Misora new wallpaper and the last one!
So happy with the last new wallpaper of Misora name Summer vacation and use it as my dekstop background XD
These days I've been lazy to do my works O.O
Meh, I can finish it and no problem! I hope so.... >_<
Today's entry
I buy 2 new anime DVD! Detective Conan the Movie 11 and Rockman EXE the movie. ^^
There's many I want to buy but need to save more money ^^;
And...need to finish the assignments ^^;; *darn..I hate it*
I need to finish the gift art too....
Yay! Banner for the blog is finish!
Too much things to do today......first thing to do is to get that art gift done fast! And my other 3 assignments.....oh well. I can finish it but some of it is hard to finish especially using Macr. Director. I'm not good at it plus the way my lecturer teach is like reading a book. Yea..more confusing.......
I hope I can try learn it by myself but the configuration for it is making me confuse already.....
emm...yea, I will be back to my hometown for 4 days. Too much assignments need to be done owo;;