Sounds of Waves

Blog utk diriku meluahkan segalanya di hati serta hobiku


OMG...3 paper failed! IDTM (introduction to digital technology multimeida), DPM (digital photomedia) and PM (history) T_T

though looks like need to work hard for the assignments and projects.

and my laptop motherboard....need to buy new one but my dad says it's very expensive. If cant fix then need to buy new laptop. Hmm...I feel like my drawing skills is worst because I didnt practice or doodle everyday to maintain my skills. Guess I need to try and draw again. I hope I can draw better...I dont want to have an art block D:

Oh need to think how to make a site using Macromedia Director....

4th Sept....Mid Term Exam start birthday today and reach 19 years old. Thanks again Reka-chan..for the lovely gift ^^.

hehee...was doodle that in my text book XD
Will try to color that after my exam is end.

Was too busy with my project and dont have a time to study for today exam ^^;.....will read a little....I hope I can answer it O_o;;

Ramadhan's starting and....

Today for 1st Sept starting fasting for all muslims! Also this month start the mid term exam..just a few days owo;;;

Too many projects really need to finish especially editing Model, Product and Terminal. Kinda hard....cant think and dont have any idea of what to edit and change it.

Today I download new Harvest Moon game name HM:Islan of Happiness. Must play!! *w* birthday will come in next 3 birthday is on 4th Sept. Kinda....wonder what my will my friends do to me on that day though.....