Sounds of Waves

Blog utk diriku meluahkan segalanya di hati serta hobiku


I think i get the hang of it, after my last work of painting it looks even better after i done something that make me easier to paint. Still i have long way to go to paint an art that involves background.

Uhh...i dunno should i record back all those recording? Like Kokoro, Love is War and World is Mine.. I really have no private time to record all those again. Except at my hometown i can sing alone with no one to disturb me :/ I'll try again until i can record better. Was hoping to let someone listen to me singing Rin Rin Signal ==a

World is Mine (Nami version) [This is old one, i even put the link at Deviantart]

World is Mine (Rin and Nami version)


Kokoro (Nami version)

I can't stop here, i have to try until i can get better XD
I dunno why i sing Meltdown again and again, probably wanna fix some part, when my friend hear it she laugh and said its weird but she like it XD

Oh! I'll be back to my hometown on 3rd September. I miss my hometown XD


Rocknote September 2, 2009 at 1:07 AM  

Your paint looks getting better though, what still in my mind is your Kumiko.

Ah, Meltdown, no doubt why your friends laughed =P Keep practicing!

R.Otacon September 2, 2009 at 11:15 AM  

You have improve your painting
skill. That's great. XD
Althought you have a long way
to paint a background art. I
still believe one day you're
gonna succeed. Believe in
yourself. ^^

Great signing. XD

You're getting better. XD Like Rocknote said. Keep practicing. I believe your doing great improvement. XD

Nami-mi September 2, 2009 at 2:24 PM  

@GENICA - Thanks for visiting

@RN and R.Otacon - Thanks guys!! >w<

Ancode September 2, 2009 at 7:37 PM  

good luck with the painting and the signin ^^ at least you have one place in where you can sing with intimity (is not as I can sing properly but I have no place to do so anyway XD)