I was on my way to go there. I saw a guy running from a man with a gun. It was a police chasing him. Its my first time seeing something like that happen in front of my eyes. The later, an accident. So much things happen in a day.
Sunway Piramid is really big place. It was my 2nd time going to the place and i get lost easily so i ask Lily nee-chan about the place. I go to the place but i already pass it lol it makes me go to 2nd floor back and going round. *my legs hurts* Consider that i;m lost orz|||
After me and my bro arrived at the place, the first cosplayer i saw was Naruto. After bought 2 tickets we're going inside and saw lots of cosplayer and people. But what caught my attention was VOCALOID cosplayers
There's too many cosplayers, art booth, figures booth (RIN AND LEN NENDOROIDS!!!) and some from other university, there's even a booth selling intuous wacom tablet. *wish i could buy new one* Oh! And nendoroids!! I want Rin and Len DX
There's one booth..all Vocaloid cosplayers were a GUY!!! my gawd!! but i heard they all were talking in Japanese O_o
I bought Black Rock Shooter art!! Big size lol, just RM10.
And I visit Lily nee-chan's booth, Dark Cresent, to claim the art XD. Its so cute!!! Worth commish lol And i bought another art from Xanseviera, Black and White from her comic, Fairy God Brothers. o3o
I bought Rin and Len arts, pins and bookmarks XD
Wish i could buy more lol. I was thinking to cosplay too and my mom already give me a permission XD
I'm gonna make Rin costume, maybe for next year.
All cosplayer contestant make a scene at the stage. I saw 3 people cosplay as Len, Kaito and Gakupo from Imitation Black song. I kinda laugh with what they're doing XD I heard someone sang Meltdown and then the song changed into Magnet lol and Len is trying to sing SPICE but someone stop him from doing it and lastly they dance Hare Hare Yukai XD
After that, there's performance by Vampire Knight Cosplayer. After they were like talking about blood tablet, i laugh a lot and then suddenly they use twilight dialog LOL. The guy says "Idiot Twilight fans, this isnt TWILIGHT!!" XDD
I took a pic with one of my friends from High School. She's coplay as Rikku from Final Fantasy X. XD I miss her >w<
I guess that's all. Dunno what i should type here. there's more tomorrow but i wont go because its too far from my home.
What a great anime festival. XD
For such a big place at least you had fun that what matters.
When you say you dunno what to tape those that means there more? ^^
there's more today but i didnt go because its too far from my home XD;
Nami-chan~! >w< *loove*
Thank you thank you so much for cominggg~ hua! I ran into so many people running back to the DC booth to meet you, hope they forgive me! @w@;;;;;; huhuhu... And thanks too for buying my bookmark and commish! <33
ur very much welcome >w<
I even like pass the DC booth so many times just to see if sis is there. I'm too shy to talk to them at the booth ^^;
I really really like it very much <3
I spend almost RM100 buying stuff XD
is nice to see you get fun ^^
hahaha I cant wait to se your rin cosplay ^^. My girlfriend always cosplay in manga conventions. I dont use to, still she is making me to cosplay. we are making a Clow reed cosplay since some time ago, still the project is a bit frozen (we are a bit busy lately). Clow Reed is one of my favorite characters O.o
Might be hard to make Rin cosplay since..Muslim people cant wear something like short pants outside, well, an outfit that can reveal our body. that's kinda wrong ^^;
I might need to think what kind of Rin outfit that i can wear XD;
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